Liam Gallagher’s Savage Prank Calls to Jon Bon Jovi: ‘Eat Sh*t’ and Other Rock ’n’ Roll Antics!
Rock and roll was a form of music born out of rebellion. As the genre evolved, so too did the attitudes that surrounded it, as people donned aviators and leather jackets, cigarettes hung out of the corners of mouths, and a massive “I don’t give a fuck attitude” became a dominating voice throughout the genre. Some musicians embodied this rebellious persona more than others, with one of the most unforgiving and unrelenting voices in the genre being Liam Gallagher.
If you leave the music of Oasis and his solo work aside, which has a distinctive rock tone to it, merely reading quotes from the singer and watching interviews, you would be able to pin him down as a rock star. Whether that’s him accepting a Brit Award by throwing it into the crowd and saying “fucking live forever” or the many times he has scathed his fellow musicians, there is no escaping that Liam Gallagher remains a rock star both in sound and attitude.
Of course, while some rebellious antics might look cool, we are all often victims of giving in to our inner child, which can mean those antics become slightly more immature. Liam Gallagher isn’t immune to this, as his rebellious nature has previously manifested in countless prank calls, a series of which were aimed towards rock legend Jon Bon Jovi.
While Bon Jovi and Oasis might not fall into the same branch as rock as one another, there is no denying they are both particular giants in the genre. With a sound that resonates worldwide and a standing in music that allows them to sell out arenas in every city they travel to, you would think there is an element of shared respect there, but that’s apparently not the case.
Jon Bon Jovi recalled recently how he couldn’t pick up his phone for a certain period without receiving a prank call from Liam Gallagher. “Liam Gallagher was giving me nuisance phone calls for over a decade,” he said, “God knows how he got my number. He would ring at three or four in the morning just to tell me my music was shit.”
In true Liam Gallagher fashion, he was particularly poetic with some of his insults towards the lead singer. “Sometimes he would call me the bastard son of Richard Branson, and other times he would shout ‘Lionhead’ down the phone until I hung up. In the end, I offered to pay him $500,000 and begged him to stop. He told me to ‘Eat shit’…”
If you have ever wondered whether Liam Gallagher was a Bon Jovi fan, you have your answer. The singer has never been shy about embracing his rebellious nature, which manifested both in outlandish stunts that nearly saw him banned from television and in childish escapades like prank phone calls. That’s rock’ n roll.