Why People Love Taylor Swift. From a Non-Swiftie
By Precious Oladimeji
I was scrolling through Facebook the other day and came across a long post where the creator ranted on and on and on about how they simply couldn’t understand why there are so many people who are obsessively in love with Taylor Swift.
And so, here is my unsolicited reply to their question.
Photo by Omid Armin on Unsplash
In order to provide this unsolicited response of mine, I downloaded a couple of Taylor Swift’s songs and did some research too.
And after all that, I present to you the result of my findings:
1. She is an awesome storyteller
Taylor Swift wields the magic wand of storytelling like it’s nobody’s business. The way she writes her songs, it’s like she’s telling you a story, so you hang onto her every word wanting to know what happened next. Plus, it helps a great deal that her stories are drawn from her real-life experiences and relationships, so her listeners know she’s not just making things up; she is telling these stories because she’s experienced them, which leads to my next point.
2. She is relatable
The way Taylor Swift sings, combined with the lyrics of her songs, makes you feel like you are listening to a girlfriend tell you her boy troubles. She shares her vulnerability, what she’s going through, how she’s feeling, her heartbreaks with the listener, like you are just fast friend who has known her all her life.
Sometimes, her lyrics hit so close to home that you feel like she knew exactly what is going on in your relationship.
Obviously, she doesn’t. She simply has a way of making people feel like they are sharing in her experience, and she, theirs.
3. She is nice
From my research, I found that Taylor Swift ranks very high on the list of top stars who treat their fans the best. Could you imagine a world-famous star inviting fans to their home to listen to their songs? Taylor does that and more. She treats her fans like family, so they feel like they are. And we all know what that resulted in.
An army of loyal Swifties.
So, the next time you wonder why Taylor Swift is so loved, you can come back to this post just to remind you why.
PS: I’m going to try being Taylor Swift (Sharing my personal life, being relatable, and being nice (Don’t give me that look. I’m nice, but I’ll even be nicer😉) for a month on one of my social media platforms, and by the end of February, I will let you guys know my results.
Wish me luck 😊